
Pointy Shoes & Broken Thumbs loved the Ace Hotel so much they found it hard to leave on Sunday. The return drive down their street left them yearning for architecture that was actually designed and not just stuccoed together because that’s what they have on sale at Orange Box.

With that in mind, they decided that although they could not afford to permanently relocate to the Ace Hotel, they could bring the Ace Hotel’s sensibilities back home.

When it comes to interior design, Pointy Shoes & Broken Thumbs are rip off artists. They have no background, or training, and they definitely don’t have cable so HGTV cannot be any kind of inspiration for them (this might be a good thing), so knocking off the functional (not to mention inexpensive) solutions of the Ace wouldn’t bubble up any feelings of inadequacy. In short, they have no shame.

It is important to note that this is not an act of sarcasm, satire or mockery. As imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, ripping off the Ace is nothing short of gushing flattery, and it is done out of love. Pointy Shoes and Broken Thumbs love the interior at the Ace Hotel enough to make it theirs permanently.

Although the ideation portion was nicely taken care of, ripping off their vacation fantasy room was not without its challenges; Lights needed moving and removing, doors needed to be re-hung, and skip-troweled walls needed sanding.

Time for the Alice suit!