Door Knob & Hammer Stick

Hate is a strong word but I believe that’s exactly how Broken Thumbs would describe our old door.

The wood frame around the knob was wearing away, requiring a certain wrist movement and technique to close correctly. It didn’t have a hole for a deadbolt. The frame surrounding the door was full of so many holes, it no longer fastened to the wall properly. Not to mention, the door itself was just plain fuckin’ ugly. Fugly if you will.

Two months ago, Pointy Shoes & Broken Thumbs rented a Orange box truck and brought home a steel door, where it sat around collecting dust for 5 weeks while we decided how to paint it. It was then, a friend recently told us that people paint their doors red for good luck so we figured orange couldn’t be too far off. Red really isn’t our thing.

Broken Thumbs is the spray master! With his careful technique, he was able to avoid striping for the most part, and thankfully Rustoleum has great pigment so it only took 2 cans to become opaque. There is still a small amount of clouding, but it’s pretty nice considering that it’s just spray paint.

All finished spraying and left to dry for 5 days. Those pesky bugs keep flying into the wet paint! Notice the reflection of a tree in the orange peel. Get it? Orange peel?

Here the old door is now removed and forever gone from our lives (cause for much celebration) while our handy helpers prepare the doorway for it’s new occupant; the drill removes the door; the Xtreme hammer removes the old frame; the pliers remove the brad nails. A bit of hammering and the Multi-Master were required to fix and level the crooked, chiseled wood under the existing door frame.

Door-less! The stucco and tile under the door had to go to make room for the frame.

It’s careful hammer time! (think MC Hammer time with slacks instead of parachute pants)

The hinges are attached…

along with the new sexy door hardware…

and Voila, All done. If you can imagine that the pink stucco walls were white, I think you get the idea of where the exterior is headed (SO money).