Intolerable Blankness

Night after night Pointy Shoes sits upright in bed against our Ace-fauxtel denim headboard and stares bleary-eyed into the endless gray abyss that spans from the left corner of the bedroom to the doorway. Her mouth, half agape, she never fails to communicate the aural superiority of needle on pressed plastic.

She also never fails to comment on the fact that tunes of the highest fidelity must be accompanied by an equally stimulating visual experience. That music, like a fine cheese, needs a great accompaniment. With those thoughts in mind, Broken Thumbs knew what he had to do. His mission, as he accepted, was to create a cost effective way of giving Pointy Shoes what she oft expressed.

Off to orange box he went. Broken Thumbs picked up equal parts pine and poplar (the selection was pretty poor that evening) and with hints and dashes of wood glue, and screws, he had his solution.

A shelf… Only a few inches wide, with a lip was fabricated to display the cardboard cases for their collaborative collection of highly collectible circles of spinning bumps and ridges.

No longer would they live on the floor, their covers unappreciated and unlooked at, and for that, Pointy Shoes was pleased.

Broken Thumbs too was pleased, now that they were able to enjoy their music quietly and without complaint.

Though.. occasionally somebody would still need to get up to flip the record over.