The Return of Manuel

We were most fortunate to re-hire Manuel from far away lands. Although we could not re-hire his compatriot, Jose, we were able to give Manuel a full weekend’s worth of work.

We last left this wall open to the elements in the hope that we would be able to stucco it shut in the near future. However, the near future came and went and here we are nearly one year later so we decided that since we liked the work ethic Manuel showed with our last big project his assistance would be invaluable.

Manuel first prepped the wall by exposing a bit of the stucco so he could overlap the tar paper. While he was doing this, Broken Thumbs wired up a second sconce.

Then the wall was covered in support wire being sure to secure the mesh every few inches with some sturdy screws.

Here’s how a professional does the stucco.

Thanks Manuel! We hope you come back soon to put the second layer of stucco on so we can paint the house. 🙂