Ace Oriented Development

The Ace-ification of a room begins with a blank canvas but this room was far from blank. The walls were heavily textured and yellowed. It had a non-working air conditioner and a handful of electrical problems. The door was also hung three inches off the ground allowing anyone in the living room to watch a “feet show” from the couch.

To get a blank canvas, Broken Thumbs and Pointy Shoes first sanded the walls down with 80 grit sand paper on an orbital sander and skim-coated them with spackle. It took three passes of sanding and then spackling and then sanding again to transform the pock-marked and cratered surface into something resembling smooth.

The busted air conditioning unit needed to be removed with a gentle thwacking and following a/c extraction, the wall needed to be patched with drywall.

The wiring on this side of the house was tied to one circuit creating a large fire hazardous octopus in the attic, whose tentacles stretched from one room to another. The existing eyeball lights were an eyesore and were replaced with more standard down-lights. Pointy Shoes & Broken Thumbs took this opportunity to hang out in the attic and roll around in fiberglass.

Orange box sells inexpensive pre-hung interior doors so Broken Thumbs & Pointy Shoes adopted one to close the gap. It took some extensive shimming to get the door to fit due to the previous door’s irregular size. Hammer time!

Pointy Shoes & Broken Thumbs finally had their blank canvas to begin the Ace-ification.

The foundation of a slat wall begins with a straight frame. Unfortunately Orange Box only sells straight ones for $7 a pop. Sure there are cheaper ones if you want a leaning wall of slats. After coughing up the bills, 1x2s were placed next to the framing pieces to lay the slats.

Remember to measure twice and cut three times for a snug fit.

Manually hammering every slat was proving difficult so Broken Thumbs drained the last of his bank account and splurged for a nail gun and air compressor. Nothing says man-fun more than a nail gun.

To be continued…