The Ace Faux-tel

Once upon a time, Pointy Shoes & Broken Thumbs were paying a horrible landlord to live in a decent place. They had a white picket fence, a yard, and a great neighbor. He had a mohawk and loved UFC.

Sadly, this awesome dude moved away, but in his absence he left them this stylish vintage dresser to remember him by. Sure, it was a little banged up, but the awesome neighbor did work as a trash man. Pointy Shoes & Broken Thumbs were not complaining; they loved their dresser.

With Pointy Shoes’ date of birth approaching in a few short weeks, she decided to congratulate herself for being one year wiser with an early gift; Pointy Shoes’ first record player.

One of the main styling elements of the Ace Hotel is floor to ceiling slatted walls that double as a place to hang your clothes.

Hiding behind the last sections of the slat wall is the entrance to the clothing storage. The slat wall swings open to allow access to the newly reformed closet interior.

Since the closet in this room is a downgrade from the much larger closet in the old bedroom, a standard closet system would not use the space effectively enough to store all of Pointy Shoes & Broken Thumbs’ particulars.

Handily, Broken Thumbs had a solution to double the closet space by staggering multiple hanging rods and shelving, creating a mini-mini walk in.

When their neighbor moved out, Pointy Shoes & Broken Thumbs also received the dresser’s matching little brother. The nightstand is pictured here with another early birthday gift for Pointy Shoes.

This handy device, called a Squeezebox, plays the jams from the internet via wifi. It can play your mp3s from all of your other computers; It even doubles as an alarm clock and you can control it with any fancy cell phone.

What Ace Faux-tel would be complete without the tasteful typography of Ace Hotel print collateral?

sheepy says good night zzzzz