Just the Facts

This is the city. Los Angeles. August 2011.

It was a late night of winning Pictionary, Celebrity and $4. Pointy Shoes & Broken Thumbs came home after too many Bacardi & Diets and decided they needed a change. The story you are about to hear is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.

They awoke early the next morning to visit Swedish box in search of countertops (for another project to come later). They were disappointed to find that Swedish box was having supply problems and could not accommodate their material wishes. However, Broken Thumbs did spot a discount rug in the As-Is section that fit his living room scheme better than Nubbins. In the past couple months, Nubbins was found guilty of being too small and dark for living room duty and was sentenced to life in the office/guest/flex room with no chance of parole.

As Broken Thumbs moved in, an assumed homosexual swooped in and claimed he had been squatting on the rug for the past 25 minutes. As a result, Broken Thumbs and Pointy Shoes had to take the full price rug gamble and ultimately walked away spending 25% more than their already claimed used rug. The following is is how the living room was resolved.

Approximately 11:45 am, Broken Thumbs and Pointy Shoes spotted two objects of interest on an internet post board. Both the objects resembled a valuable Arne Jacobsen design. It was decided both lamps would be required.

The first lamp was apprehended in the Burbank area of Los Angeles. The suspect showed no visible signs of wear and tear but was admittedly used and discontinued by its manufacturer. Pointy Shoes & Broken Thumbs took him downtown for further questioning.

The second lamp was apprehended after a short chase on foot through the Silverlake Hills. After being cornered in a California Bungalow, the second lamp was subdued.

The suspects were tried and found stylish in the first degree. They are carrying out their sentences in the custody of Pointy Shoes and Broken Thumbs.