Wu Tang Clan

Pointy Shoes and Broken Thumbs were tired of being the ugliest front yard on the block. They still had the sign post from when they bought their house hidden under the massive undergrowth of thorny itchy scrub brush.

(We wished we had taken a before photo so you could see how atrocious it was…)

On the hottest day of summer, Pointy Shoes & Broken Thumbs got out their picks and pulled out all the weeds and trash from the mini front lawn until there was nothing left but dirt. They laid weed barrier to prevent new trespassers from coming out of the ground and secured the weed barrier with yard staples.

Broken Thumbs found a concrete gravel in the building supply section of Orange box that was 1/4 the price of the “landscaping rocks” found in the garden section (BIG PLUS for the wallet or shall we say small minus) so we brought home 13 bags. See all the empty Quikrete bags?

What an improvement. Now only if we could remove the white eyesore that is our fence…